Don’t tell us you never had this problem because single every girl who rides with boots have already been in trouble with shoelace who break off or get loose… but THIS was before our Sista Clio Mouchel and North Kiteboarding team rider discovered and tried for you WAPH.
So what is it? Simple it’s a shoelace combined to a buckle which tie and stop the shoelace. This small piece of ingenuity is 3D print pieces: no collage, no weld, and no assembly, buckle is directly printed with its mechanism.
Printed in polished polyamide, the buckle will be incredibly light and strong and guaranteed for life.
Reinforced Pack →So many options are available, different colours and different shoelace length to mix and create your own style.
Shoelaces → Choose your favourite colour Buckle →The concept it’s just perfect and we wouldn’t say anything wrong about it except that you really need to put two pairs of shoelace if you are riding with bindings which has 2 clamping points to be sure you get enough length to tight your boots properly. If you are riding with Slingshot boots, then you just need one shoelace but you should choose at least the medium one for once again to have enough length.
Reinforced Pack x2 →As clio said when she tried them: “For trying it on the water, I found it really cool. Actually, shoelaces are solid, buckles installation is easy and they strongly tighten your boots. The trick is, for us girls, that there are 2 laceshoe colors and 4 buckles colors to customize our board as we want to. At the moment, the brand keep promises and I’m not disappointed at all by this product.
For 37,90€ you can refurbish your boots with new buckles guaranteed for life!!”
Clio getting inverted with her Waph Reinforced Pack →So ready to shred and to get the perfect combo on your boots?! Get stoked with WAPH and create your very own style.
Don’t forget to visit Waph Official site to see the full collection and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
A special thank you to Clio for having discovered Waph.
KiteSista editor Sofi testing Waph →