Our friends at Josea Surfwear have got a new project, which is called: #GreenKarmaAngel
With #GreenKarmaAngel they would like to start a sustainable and aware movement. It’s not about finger pointing, it’s more about: “hey, let’s change something together”, even if it is a small action with our ways to consume and interact with people and our lovely nature.
It’s not just about bikinis, but it should start with it. So, they would love to motivate you to use the #GreenKarmaAngel tag. Sounds easy, but getting the word out is the biggest challenge, so we ask you our readers to think about small actions you can make in your day to day life and choices, and tag #GreenKarmaAngel when you do.
The movement starts with their new video of Ranja Schlotte “about values – love passion risk” and will continue with more “stories” coming very soon..
For more information just head over to www.josea-surfwear.com or follow them on Facebook.