Yes we know, kitesurfing is all about being natural, in complete connection with the ocean, salt in our hair, sun on our skin, pearls of water falling down on our faces… mmmh yes, but sometimes the truth is more like… little eyes, blue lips, nose running and messy hair!
So without being a real Barbie or someone who applies make-up from a bucket you will be happy to hear that is still possible to be a lady after a cold kite session if you find the right beauty products to use.
Thanks to my really good friend Alicia who came to visit me in Zanzibar and who brought me a little surprise…
… the first good Waterproof Mascara created by a brand called MAKE UP FOR EVER and trust me this is THE ONE.
And because Alicia was sweet enough to give me another surprise, she added to the collection this one:
Waterproof Glide-On Eye Shadow
A little trick with this one is that I use it as a base before applying just a tiny bit of eye shadow with a small brush on my bottom lashes.
And because we like to have perfect eyebrows before, during and after our session, this the KIT that you need, a waterproof eyebrow corrector that fills, defines and lengthens brows:
Waterproof Eyebrow Corrector Kit
And we will finish with the lips which I grant you is an ‘option’ but which can still help the Sistas who get blue lips and don’t want to look like a Smurf.
Waterproof Liquid Lip Color
You can find all the products on Make Up For Ever Official Site but don’t forget than whatever you do or you try to do, the only one who is watching you and can judge you is yourself.
So Love Yourself first and if you still want to add a bit of fantasy to your style, feel free to do whatever you wanna do!