Nothing like those first moments of joy on a kite. We don’t know much about this video but the young lady in it certainly seems to be enjoying the realisation of everything snowkiting has to offer.
Nina Font is one of the young upcoming riders in our sport that you should be keeping your eye on. Already having an impressive arsenal of tricks for her age, this is a video of her time in Brazil.
With all of the Kite Park League media that has come out this year you might be forgiven for thinking it is easier to hit sliders and kickers, …but this just goes to show that it can be anything but easy and involves a fair amount of crashes.
World Kiteboard Academy teacher and Liquid Force rider Lindsay McClure shows us why she is the coolest teacher in school with this great edit of her time in Brazil. Teachers weren’t like that when we were in school.
Paula Novotna has had a great year finishing 4th in the inaugural WKL freestyle tour. The best part being with all the media being collected at the events we can be treated to nice little compilations like this as we look back at her year.
Marhaba is the reward to a year of hard work. This edit, filmed in Dakhla in December, is my gratitude to all that decided to support me in 2016.
Here is the latest video from Victoria Soloveykina’s series ‘Basic Kiteboarding Skills’ to help beginners in using a trainer kite and how to set up and control it.
Yes we got you in with the title, but we will keep you here with the video as we all love to see crashes and this little video from Charlotte Consorti is just that.
After the success of our video of the young Junior World Champions we were alerted to another young rider who perfectly fits the bill fo rour KiteSista Kids initiative and so we are pleased to introduce you to Robby James from Singapore.
This year Karolina Winkowska wanted to showcase her riding which is now more and more influenced by free riding and enjoyment, rather than the repetitive competition routine that she used to once practice.
Kitesurfing, freestyle, rail-hits, new tricks, friends, exploring and SO much fun. Therese Taabbel’s training time in Brazil was too good!
Check out Emely Freja Petersen during her time in Brazil as she shares her time on the water with us.