Annelous, please can you tell us what do you think about riding with female orientated and specific designed gear and what do YOU look for in your choice of gear?
Annelous: Female orientated gear is great and I love to help with the development. Whether it is for wetsuits, harnesses or kiteboards. For a big part it is of course the look, because how good it is to ride with a set up that is not only riding good but also looking really good. But another part is the fit and other small adjustments to make the gear better and more suitable for the ladies. I want my gear to fit perfectly, I love to ride as much as possible and with gear that fits good the session can last way longer. I’m also really excited for the new Cabrinha XO collection, the design is just looking so good and the Switchblade XO is the perfect free ride kite if you want to enjoy all different disciplines.