A Mermaid Dances With Sharks

A Mermaid Dances With Sharks

In a performance protest against the Australian shark cull and the global slaughter of sharks, a woman risks it all to dance with swarms of tiger sharks.

In a performance protest against the Australian shark cull and the global slaughter of sharks, a woman risks it all to dance on the sea floor with swarms of tiger sharks up to 17 feet long without any dive or protective gear.

Australian Hannah Fraser, is the world’s most celebrated mermaid/underwater model and a dedicated conservationist who have decided to dive head-first into the battle and make a profound statement in opposition to her government’ shark cull philosophy.

If you want to stop the Australia shark cull you can be a part of the mouvement and sign their petition.

Hannah Fraser

A completely unreal spectacle that leaves us wondering if the mermaids do not really exist …

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