Be Girly Like Karolina

Be Girly Like Karolina

We are huge fans of Karolina Winskowska of course… because of so many things like her kiting skills, her riding style, her smile… but also for her Slingshot girly gear.

We are huge fans of Karolina Winskowska of course… because of so many things like her kiting skills, her riding style, her smile… but also for her Slingshot girly gear.

Let’s have a look on it a little closer…

Her Pink & Black Fuel Slingshot Kite:

Slingshot Fuel Kite

Her Jewel Slingshot bindings:


Her Black & Pink Slingshot harness:

Slingshot Harness

And now let’s see what she is does with it all!

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