The KiteSista ‘Deserving of Editorial in 2016’ Re-wards

The KiteSista ‘Deserving of Editorial in 2016’ Re-wards

The problem with end of year awards is that they don’t really reflect what you have to say and you the reader don’t actually have a say in them. Time for something different, …we bring you the re-wards.

It is the time of year where awards are voted and handed out. It is not just the kite surfing industry but it is done across sports, entertainment, media and many other industries.

The problem is this, …who ‘actually’ decides who is nominated for these awards? And what is the purpose of winning other than kudos and a fair number of clicks on the hosts site.

And The Award Goes To...

crown-invertAre we having a dig?, …well maybe, but before you have a chance to say it, we have also had a stab at an authentic set of awards last year and they were extremely popular and the temptation to run them again was great (especially after our slightly lax approach to publishing during our time in Brazil – apologies about that), but we are not going to.

We have though long and hard about the direction of KiteSista recently and this is the first step in a reflection of that. However we have an alternative …. The KiteSista ‘Deserving of Editorial in 2016’ Re-wards.

The Re-What?

So what is it and how does it work. Simple, in a bid to give you more of what you want, we are going to let you have a say in who graces the pages, which riders you want to hear from, brands you want to know more about, products you think deserve our attention, initiatives that deserve our support, causes we should follow and content we should be making.

crown‘Sneaky’ you might say, …those people at KiteSista are getting the readers to guide them towards good content. ‘Cynic’ we would reply, we are making sure we give you the content you want to see, decided on by you.

So, without any further explanation, here are the questions we have for you. You can answer one, none, or all of them, and there are no constraints, no pre-selected responses and no multi page click throughs to keep you on our site (yes we know, we are listening to you and dropping that too).


This is what we want to know...

…we are listening.

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