If you have 21 minutes to spare over your breakfast then sit back and relax as you take in Airush Kiteboarding’s new feature. Covering all the disciplines of kiteboarding and produced and edited by The Bank it is sure to inspire you to get out on the water.
Of course Airush rider Bruna Kajiya has her part where you shows us what made her the Freestyle champion in 2016, and if you are here for Bruna then you can skip to 8:30 to see her part.
The new What’s in a Name? movie is the biggest video feature to come out of Airush Kiteboarding since 2014.
Rather than just produce a film to serve product campaigns, we wanted to create a complete movie involving every aspect of Airush to tell the story of the brand itself.
Filmed in the three locations of Cape Town, Mauritius and Brazil, the sixteen minute feature is a beautifully shot masterpiece and a true testament to the Airush brand. The movie showcases the utmost talent of the riders and what they are truly capable of, but also the people that brought the project to life.
Bas Koole & Ydwer van der HeideDIRECTORS OF PHOTOGRAPHY
Bas Koole & Ydwer van der HeideEXECUTIVE PRODUCERS
Airush KiteboardingPRODUCERS
TheBank (http://bythebank.nl) & Ydwer.com (http://ydwer.com)EDITOR
Ydwer van der HeidePOST PRODUCTION
Ydwer van der Heide & Clinton FilenFeaturing
Alex Pastor
Anthar Racca
Bruna Kajiya
Carl Ferreira
Julien Kerneur
Oswald Smith
INTRO / Sean Koch Trio – “Welcome To The Light” (composed and written by Sean Koch, published by Budde Music)
SOMEWHERE IN AFRICA / Kyle Watson – “Toys”
SOMEWHERE IN BRAZIL / Two Strokes – “Paradise”
BACK IN AFRICA / Sean Koch Trio – “Flow” (composed and written by Sean Koch, published by Budde Music)
DIAMANTE EM BRUTO / Los Tacos – “Mira Mira”
DUSK TILL DAWN / Sean Koch Trio – “Lift You Up” (composed and written by Sean Koch, published by Budde Music)
THE MEXICAN / Super UnknownGet Social with Airush Kiteboarding.
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